joan hemphill
Miembro de la Junta
Joan creció en Bainbridge Island y es isleña de cuarta generación. Se graduó de Bainbridge High School e hizo una pasantía en Bainbridge Review y ABC News durante la universidad. Joan se graduó de la Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad de Washington y trabajó en defensa penal, representando a miembros de la tribu indígena Tulalip ya los acusados que apelaban sus condenas en los tribunales estatales. Joan se mudó recientemente a Bainbridge, donde vive con su esposo y su amado spaniel.
annie hodges
Miembro de la Junta
Annie se mudó a Bainbridge Island desde el Medio Oeste hace 7 años y se inspira continuamente en la compasión y generosidad de la comunidad. Annie ha pasado gran parte de su
carrera profesional en educación y tiene casi dos décadas de experiencia en desarrollo y recaudación de fondos filantrópicos. Centra sus energías filantrópicas en la educación, la inseguridad alimentaria y causas relacionadas con la salud de la mujer. Annie está emocionada de unirse a la junta directiva de Helpline House y seguir sirviendo a su comunidad. En su tiempo libre, a Annie le gusta caminar, hacer jardinería, correr y pasar tiempo con su esposo, Ben, y su hija, Olivia.
Richard Gawlowski
Miembro de la Junta
Richard nació en una base de la fuerza aérea en Texas y pasó sus primeros años en Pittsburgh, la ciudad natal de sus padres. Rich se graduó de la Universidad Estatal de Arizona con una Licenciatura en Ciencias en Contabilidad y un Doctorado en Jurisprudencia de la Facultad de Derecho de ASU. Él y su esposa se mudaron a Bainbridge Island a fines de la década de 1970 y formaron una familia aquí. Fue entrenador de ligas menores durante 7 años y formó parte de la junta directiva de las ligas menores de Bainbridge Island. Desde 1990, ha practicado derecho procesal con Wilson, Smith, Cochran y Dickerson.
linda stranahan
Miembro de la Junta
He vivido en Bainbridge Island desde 1996. Empecé una práctica de psicoterapia en la isla.
Hace 17 años después de hacer una pasantía en el Jumping Mouse Children's Center en Port Townsend y
trabajando para la tribu Suquamish. Tengo una fuerte conexión con organizaciones sin fines de lucro y he sido un
miembro participante en ellos desde que tenía 20 años. Mi área de interés radica en accesible
salud mental, apoyo familiar y sostenibilidad de los recursos compartidos. Cuando llegué por primera vez
Bainbridge Me uní a la Junta de Artes y Oficios de Bainbridge y luego a la Psicoterapia de Bainbridge
Board, Alliance for Healthy Youth y ahora estoy encantada de unirme a Helpline House. cuando estoy
No trabajo, disfruto pasar tiempo con mi esposo y mi hijo de 15 años en el agua:
canotaje, kayak, pesca o simplemente chapoteando.
Miembro de la Junta
Wandee creció en Bainbridge Island, se fue cuando se graduó de la escuela secundaria y regresó con su esposo y sus dos hijas en 2015. Ha sido psicóloga clínica en ejercicio durante más de una década trabajando con niños, adolescentes y adultos en clínicas de salud comunitarias, hospitales y actualmente en práctica privada. Le encanta leer, correr y estar en el agua y durante la pandemia se desempeñó como consultora de psicología infantil para el programa infantil en línea Draw Together de la artista Wendy MacNaughton.
Wandee se siente particularmente agradecida de tener la oportunidad de apoyar a Helpline House. Tiene dulces recuerdos de cómo se benefició personalmente de los servicios de Helpline cuando ella y su madre se mudaron a la isla a principios de los 80".
tom croker
Miembro de la Junta
Tom es un isleño de quinta generación. Tiene una licenciatura y una maestría en ciencias pesqueras de la UW. Él y su esposa criaron a dos niños y tienen cinco nietos. En 1978, cofundó y coadministró NET Systems en Day Road, que diseñó y fabricó artes de arrastre para la flota pesquera del Pacífico Norte. Más tarde fundó otra empresa en 1995 que comercializaba y fabricaba un sistema de amarre lineal y jaulas marinas en alta mar para la cría de peces de aleta. Su experiencia previa en juntas incluye Bainbridge Island Land Trust y Bainbridge Community Foundation, sirviendo en posiciones de oficiales en juntas. Actualmente está involucrado en un proyecto para crear viviendas asequibles en la isla y disfruta pasar tiempo en su velero y en otros viajes.
Julie Matthews
Board Member
Julie has lived in Kitsap County since 1987 and on Bainbridge since 1998. Prior to retiring in December 2018, Julie worked for more than 30 years as an attorney for the US Environmental Protection Agency helping to implement and enforce the federal environmental laws. After retiring, Julie began regular volunteering at Helpline House in the foodbank and in other roles as needed. She is excited to join the Board, inspired by the staff’s dedication and compassion, and by the community’s generosity. Julie currently serves on the Bainbridge Island Climate Change Advisory Committee appointed by the City Council in 2019. She is a former Board member and current volunteer for the Bainbridge Island Land Trust and for Keta Legacy Foundation, a Kitsap County based conservation-related nonprofit organization. Julie enjoys spending time with her husband and their two adult children, long distance hiking, walking, skiing, travel, gardening, and other outdoor activities.
Mev Hoberg
Board Member
Mev was born and raised in San Antonio, TX, where her family has lived for generations. After graduating from Stanford, she and her husband, Paul, lived in the Bay Area for 12 years before moving to Bainbridge in 1999. Their two children are proud products of the Bainbridge Island school system, where Mev served as a member of the board of directors for almost 8 years. Mev loves a good craft project or home repair project and walking with her dog. She is excited to serve on the Helpline House board as she considers the services they offer to be vital to ensuring the diverse and caring community that makes Bainbridge so special.
Bruce Eremic
Board Member
Bruce has been a banker on Bainbridge Island since 2006 and is the current manager of Kitsap Bank’s Bainbridge Island branch. He has been a resident of Bainbridge Island since 1990 and has lived and worked there almost all his life. Bruce is deeply committed to community stewardship.
Since 2016 he has served as the treasurer of Housing Resources Bainbridge and volunteered his knowledge and skills to expand access to affordable housing. To support a vibrant local economy, he is currently serving as a board member of the Bainbridge Island Chamber of Commerce and to fight food insecurity he has managed an annual fundraiser for Helpline House since 2020.
Stacy Marchesano
Board Member
Stacy, together with her husband and their two young daughters, moved to Bainbridge Island in mid-2020 with wonder and gratitude. She practices commercial real estate and finance law as a partner at a Seattle law firm.
Stacy finds the most enjoyment in her work when she is able to help clients with transactions that both improve the built environment for local neighborhoods and bolster the economy. Giving back to the community through board service and volunteering has been a life-long priority for Stacy. She is thrilled to give back to her island neighbors in this magical community by serving as an ambassador of Helpline House.
Charlie Foushee
Board Member
Charlie Foushee leads the Seattle region of Skanska USA Commercial Development, which delivers customer-focused, highly sustainable office, mixed-use, and multi-family properties across the United States.
Charlie received his bachelor’s degree from Seattle University. He currently serves on the advisory board for Bainbridge Island Little League and has previously served as a board member for Rebuilding Together Seattle.
Michael Reeder
Board Member
Michael is the Founder of the Bainbridge Island based, brand constituency, Smiling Lions, where he is focused on crafting empathetic and effective marketing strategies for global brands such as ADT, Amazon and Starbucks.
Rachel Hofer
Board Member
Rachel moved to Bainbridge Island seven years ago from the East Coast with her husband and two children. She has worked in marketing for over 25 years and is also a photographer. She is originally from a small mid-western town and has traveled extensively and lived all over the US and overseas. It was during these travels that she became involved with the World Food Program and began actively supporting their mission to eliminate global hunger. A spark was ignited, and she hasn’t stopped since. It’s an honor for her to be on the board and she looks forward to contributing locally with Helpline House.
Sylvia Pizzini
Board Member
Sylvia was born in British Columbia; raised in Berkley, California; and over the years has lived in California, New York, and in 2022 moved to Washington. She has two children and two grandchildren, one of whom was raised in Bainbridge Island and is now married and lives in Poulsbo.
For the past 60 years, Sylvia has worked in the field of child and family services for public agencies and nonprofit organizations. She started out as a social worker, and most of her career was in management and policy positions. She currently is an expert witness consultant and a member of the local Rotary where she serves as Youth Protection Officer.
Alix Strickland
Board Member
Alix was born and raised on Bainbridge Island. After living in Denver, NYC and Seattle for school and work, Alix returned to Bainbridge Island with her family in 2020 where she currently lives with her husband, two young daughters and Australian Cattle Dog. Alix holds a Masters Degree in Nutrition and spent nearly a decade working as a clinical pediatric dietitian on the Cancer and Blood Disorders team at Seattle Children’s Hospital.