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Use Remote Service Virtual Care

Updated: Oct 1, 2020

Phone appointments are available and convenient; they allow for a client and social worker's meeting to occur at a flexible location. First-time callers are scheduling a confidential one-hour phone meeting with a Helpline House social worker, and receiving care ranging from expert advice navigating local, state, and federal resources to receiving one-on-one counseling to manage depression and anxiety. 

Phone appointments with a social worker

assist with a wide range of critical needs, including:

• Groceries 

• Rental and Mortgage Payment Assistance 

• Prescriptions Costs 

• Utilities and Internet Bills

• Mental Health Support

As we all move forward during Governor's Inslee's 'Safe Start' plan to slow down coronavirus spread, clients find that calling for a phone appointment has been a valuable and smooth transition. Callers can schedule another free follow-up phone appointment or try an online conversation to continue their work during their financial or emotional recovery. 

How to schedule a phone appointment:

Call 206.842.7621or 


The intake coordinator will need your

• Primary contact phone number

• Primary email

• Your availability between M - F,

9 am - 5 pm

• A summary of your critical need(s) 

Case managers and counselors meet the personal care needed to build a stable plan when a household can't make ends meet; provide a plan for every unique situation. Older clients with mobility issues or lack of transportation are getting the resources they need by phone too - a connection that continues to grow so that no one feels alone during these stressful times. Adapting to innovative ways together, as we strive to support community members to get free, safe, and confidential information they need by phone or online. 

Safe and Secure. Meet your counselor or group by phone or face to face online. You choose when you schedule your phone appointment.

A social worker will call you upon your scheduled time. Ask about is a simple, secure, confidential face to face online talk. 

Helpline House is not a one size fits all support. Our services meet people where they're at for a Healthy & Whole Community.

Ask a Social Worker. Learn more.

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