Housing & Utility Program
Helpline House's Housing & Utility Assistance Program
provides eligible community members with rent/mortgage and utility assistance for
residents experiencing housing instability.
Call the front desk to schedule an appointment with a case manager:
Schedule a cost-free appointment M - F | 9 -5 206.842.7621
The Kitsap County Housing Solutions Center is your first step
in seeking Kitsap Eviction Prevention Assistance.
For rent or mortgage assistance go to KCR/housing.org to fill out the
Call 360.801.2564 | Email BI-HSC@KCR.org
​At Helpline House on Tuesdays
Walkins are welcome between10:30am-3:00pm at Helpline House on Wednesdays
Scheduled appointments are encouraged, please call 206.842.7621
Helpline House's Housing & Utility Assistance Program
Schedule a cost-free appointment M - F | 9 -5 Call 206.842.7621 to learn more about how this program may helpful.
Helpline House's Housing & Utility Assistance Program provides eligible local community members with rent or mortgage costs for residents experiencing housing instability.
More local, state, or federal resources are available to local residents in need. A cost-free and confidential appointment with Helpline House case manager will help keep members of our community safe and warm, to contribute to a stable home environment and prevent homelessness.​
Helpline House encourages those who live in our service area to schedule an appointment or complete the Housing Solutions Center Intake Application at KCR/housing.org. If needed, the Housing Solutions Center is the only way to get referrals to Kitsap homeless shelters and get on the list for subsidized housing. Continue to combine further assistance.
Keep planning your return to stability with a Helpline House case manager.
Call 206.842.7621 to schedule an appointment today.
Utility Assistance
Salvation Army's Warm Home Fund
Schedule a cost-free appointment with a Helpline House social worker.
Weatherization energy efficiency services can include:
air sealing measures such as weather stripping and caulking,
insulation measures,
health and safety issues such as indoor air quality
heating system repairs, and more
Call 360.473.2045 for Eligibility
Are you interested in co-housing on Bainbridge?
For more information please ask the front desk!
In collaboration with Homes of Compassion, there is an Affordable Housing Opportunity on Bainbridge Island. A successful and proven master lease program, Homes of Compassion, is a housing intervention resource in Kitsap County to expand housing affordability by using existing homes to provide safe and affordable housing.
This affordable housing opportunity is suited for single, low-wage earners working on Bainbridge Island, so those who work here can live here with 4 to 5 roommates and call the community they all work in Home!