Helpline House is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, and your contribution is tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. Tax ID or EIN: 91-0902503
Help build a better community for all
Donate by Check
Checks made payable to
Helpline House
282 Knechtel Way NE Bainbridge Island, WA 98110
Legacy Donations
Wills and Estates provide resources to create extraordinary futures beyond your lifetime. Make a charitable gift through your will. Consult your tax advisor and lawyer to determine which planned gift strategy is best for you.
With a bequest you’ll:
Leave a legacy
Help continue Helpline House's ongoing mission
Give in Honor or in Memory and in the PayPal or Venmo Notes field please add
The name of the deceased.
The address of the deceased.
The name of a close living family member.
The address of the living family member.
Your name.
Please contact Helpline House's business office at or (206) 842.7621