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Ever wonder where those $10 Hunger bags go?

Updated: Apr 16, 2020

They stay right here - on Bainbridge Island as Helpline House works in partnership with

Home Team Harvest

KING 5's annual Home Team Harvest benefits Northwest Harvest. 1 in 6 Washington children struggle with hunger. But with your help, we can make an impact. Northwest Harvest works with more than 375 local food banks and meal programs across the state to distribute food to people in need. Together, we can help our neighbors. Together, we can reach our goal: 7 million meals for Northwest families.

Starting here; at home, you can buy a $10 Hunger Bag at the Bainbridge Island Safeway and support Helpline House's Food Bank. Every dollar spent stays on Bainbridge Island.

When we receive donations, we're not just filling empty stomachs. The food bank is a part of Helpline House's umbrella of social services. To fulfill its mission, the food bank relies on the community's monetary support and direct donations of food and time. Volunteers are the backbone of operations. Without the help of people like you, we would not be able to open our doors.

Helpline House ensures approximately 225 households, every week, have nutritious choices to achieve and continue productive roles and promoting social well-being to make a healthy & whole community.

Your support ensures no household in our community goes hungry.

Your support provides the most nutritious foods available.

Your support supports dietary restrictions whenever possible.

Your support provides self-selection from available foods.

Your support assures all services by volunteers and staff are confidential.

Your support facilitates access to social service and resources.

Your support respects and honor the dignity of every person.

Learn more about our food bank at

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